Trojan Horse, trick of the Greeks |
The Trojan War was one of those famous wars in the past. Agamemnon helps his brother to fight Troy, because Prince Paris
of Troy stole the wife of Agamemnon's brother. The soldiers of Mycenaean sailed to the beach of Troy and shattered the enemies'
front line. But the king of Troy wasn't scared, he said that Apollo the sun god will protect the Trojans, and they
will surely win this war. But this kind of prediction not always accurate, the Trojans were defeated.
like this happened always, when the leader over trusted the gods, victory may not be his. The gods often used to encourage
the soldiers, but failed sometimes.
Like the Crusades, they were holy wars. For 200 years, the Christian and Muslim
fought to claim Jerusalem, known as the Holy Land. Both side said they fight for their gods, but which side's the
right? They both believed their gods were proper, but who got the right answer? For 8 times the Crusaders battle with the
Muslim, but the Christian won only 1 time. Well, the reason maybe the Muslim said, that the soldiers died in the Holy War
will enter the heaven. This might agitated the Muslim warriors to fight bravely.
In the other side, Chinese rarely
do that. Ancient Chinese often fought for the good side, but which? When two tribes fight with each other, both of them said
their side was the good one. This is the same case with European wars. God or Devil, good or bad, these don't mind the final
Every civilization has their own war god, but now every of them were wise and justice. Odin, war chief of
Norse, aid only the strong side to win a war. When Odin throws his spear to the opponent, it means the opponent must
lose. This caused the strong one being stronger and stronger, the weaker never rise again. But Athena and Mars are not Odin-styled
gods, they treat all the same.
Since 1960s, when the Vietnam War was happening, people started not to decide which
side's the good. The war was said to be a matter of politics. Communist and Democracy is the only things people cared.
Gods don't really exist, it was only an imagination, and gods stay in your heart, if you do trust. No science fact
can proof the gods exist; this is not a matter of fact.

Do gods really exist? |
The Special Features of European Mythology
Most of the fairy tales start in Europe; they talked about heroes, dragons, devils, and fairy (of course). But
there’s a distinguish feature, the good always wins.
Heroes were the most popular character in European Mythology,
Greek heroes were the mightiest. Heroes were believed to be a demigod; they have super power to defeat the evils. Like Heracles
the strong guy, son of Zeus, had awesome power to lift a huge mountain and broke a cursed chain.
Heroes often fought
with dragons, and dragons always symbolize the bad side. European myths attached important on the weapons. Heroes often equipped
heavy and cursed weapons. In some portraits and poems, heroes were armored with spiky armor, long sword, and a heavy shield.
The moral of European mythology—the good always wins—handed down until today. The opponent of a hero was
often stupid and dumb. For example, in ‘The Odyssey’, Pollyphamus the Cyclops was defeated by Odysseus easily.
Besides, there is another unique feature among European tales: heroes fought to save the princess. I hate this part
of story.
Besides of dragons, witches and leviathan are also heroes’ foe. Medusa, the snake-haired woman who
can turn a person who was staring her to stone, was killed by Perseus. Witch was hated by the European of Middle Age. In 10th
century, almost all witches had been burned into ashes. Now you can see, what people hate is always a hero’s

Perseus, the hero who killed the sea monster with Medusa's head |

Odysseus, the hero in The Odyssey |