A war between Norse gods and the giants and the Lokis |
The Ragnarok is a war between Norse gods and the giants and the Lokis. Here, I won’t tell you the story of Ragnarok,
it is Han’s job. I’m here to discuss something about ‘The Witch’s Prophecy’.
means ‘the decline of the gods and their fate’, in ‘The Witch’s Prophecy’, I found something
interesting. ‘The Witch’s Prophecy’ might be completed by a prophet of ancient German in 1000s, and this
period was the decline of the Norse, not many historical remains were left.

And the following is what I found, interesting:
In ‘The Witch’s Prophecy’, one of the prophecies
foretold the happening of Ragnarok, but the Ragnarok might be not happens in ancient Norse, it might be the World War
One. ‘The Witch’s Prophecy’ wrote:
After the arrival of the Fimbul Winter, There will have no sunlight, and strong wind blows from every
direction; After three cold winters, There will be no more summer; Than there will be three more winters, At
the same time, The war began. People kill each other, There will be no more peace, And everyone become greedy,
They care only their own life, Not others.
*I translated the above passage.*
The prophecy’s
mentions were same with an uncommon event, the explosion of Tunguska. This event happened in 1908, than after three and three
winters, it means after six years, the World War One happened, in 1914.
This maybe just a coincidence, but it may
also be not.
The winters mentioned in ‘The Witch’s Prophecy’ might be the dust blew up by the strong
explosion of Tunguska; and the cold wind mentioned in ‘The Witch’s Prophecy’ might be the strong wind caused
by the explosion, too!

30th of June, 1908...a massive fireball felt from the sky...then... |

...everything was destroyed |
World War One might be the Ragnarok, because this war was began by the Germans, and the Germans’ ancient civilization
was linked with the Norse. ‘The Witch’s Prophecy’ might be right, the war happened in Europe, neither in
Asia nor Africa nor America nor other.
But who were the gods in Ragnarok (or WWI)? If Ragnarok didn’t really
happened, then why it was named with ‘the decline of the gods and their fate’? There must be somebody who was
the ‘gods’, they maybe generals of the frontline, and those giants maybe those tanks…

Is it true to be World War One? |
Ragnarok as told by Han
Right, Myth Guy wanted me to talk about Ragnarok, so here I go.... First of all, if any of you fools think I'm
talking about the online game, go somewhere else.... we hate Ragnarok Online :P Anyway, the first sign of Ragnarok's
coming is when there's a 3 year long winter known as 'Fimbulwinter' During that period all of mankind will be fighting each
other. Brother slaying brother, father slaying son, son slaying grandfather etc etc. During all of this Loki will
be freed from his imprisonment and he will gather all the giants for a final battle with the Gods of Asgard. At this point
his daughter, Hel, will gather all her dead minions (those who died not in battle and went down to Hel) and they will ride
on a boat made solely out of human nails. At this point the huge sea-serpent Jormungand (one of Loki's sons) will emerge from
the ocean to join the battle. They will all gather at Vigrid Plains for the final face-off with the gods. What about
the gods? Heimdall, the keeper of Bifrost bridge will see the great enemy approaching and will blow his horn, warning all
of the approaching foe. Odin will then gather all the gods and Eihenjar (I don't know exactly how it's spelled). Einhenjar
are warriors who died gloriously in battle. Soon the battle begins. Fenrir, who was previously bound by chains will
break free of his chains. He will devour Odin. Thor will die in a duel between Jormungand (Jormungand will die as well) Tyr
will be killed by one of Hel's wolves I think (he's always had trouble with wolves, if you've read about him and Fenrir...).
Many god will die. Nidhogg will succeed in chewing the root of Yggdrasil, and both the Sun and Moon will be devoured by the
wolves who were chasing them. Finally, after the battle, two humans will survive and they will repopulate the earth. There
will be other gods who survived the battle as well. Both Hoder and Balder will reincarnate (yay!). I found this really interesting
article. Go to http://www.ragnarok.no/ for a much deeper explanation on Ragnarok...

Fenrir, the chained wolf |

Nidhogg escaped from Hel's place with those souls |