Does culture or civilization came first? The culture I meant is the particular system of art, thought, and customs of
a society; And the civilization mean the type of advance society of a particular time or place…
A culture is
the combination of art and thought, and history. Humans are born to have thought, otherwise mythology won’t exist. People
started to enjoy arts when they have thought, but do art and thought affect a civilization? They sure did, so they do come
first then civilization?

Civilization is a result of culture, but this doesn’t mean culture comes first. Because an artless tribe may call
a civilization, this doesn’t conflict with the mean of civilization. An artless tribe may advance without art, like
robotic technology, it’s artless.
Culture, civilization, and mythology are the crystallization of human’s
thought. They are the creation of us, who was the first doesn’t really important.
But I do need your answer
and opinion for further studies, thanks.