Fate and luck are only words, f-a-t-e and l-u-c-k, they are meaningless. They’re just an imagination
of human, there are no such things. Among all abstract things, fate and luck are the most unexplainable. Even a person’s
destiny, you can say it’s empty. Ancient prophets were believed to be a foreseer, but are they true? They may have,
if they are time-travelers.
Here I must do a quick explanation about time-travel:
Light is the fastest matter in the world, nothing can compete with it. Imagine that this world is combined by time and
space, it’s a 3D world. Time is something that has equal speed with light, it means light is time. If something has
the energy of light, it may travel through space and ignoring the time.
My studies of mythology included fore tales, like some prophecy. But almost all of these are about chances. The percentage
to make a right prophecy is less than 1%.
A prophecy is unbelievable, but if it is true, nobody can change it. If
a prophecy became true, than the future is like a history, it is already known. If there is a little change, the whole history
will change…Imagine that you killed your father or your son before he was born…
The point is,
fore tales are annoying us, to make a different between a true record in writing and a prophecy. It made the research of mythology

Do ancient prophet foreseen WW1? |
Something More
I read about something about prophecy today, I concluded the inconsistency of predictions:
1) In some predictions,
the words used by the prophet or oracle are not clear enough to have a proper meaning, they may have another
meaning; 2) Some prophets or oracles made too many predictions and increased the percentage to make a
right prediction.
There is nothing 100% true, much less prophecy!